Important Information

Our Aims
At Hardwick we aim to ensure that all children are happy, enjoy learning that challenges them to improve on their best and celebrates their achievements, in a safe, secure and caring environment.
We encourage our children:
  • to take care of themselves, each other and their community;
  • to love learning and to do their very best at all times;
  • to respect themselves and others and to show good manners to everyone;
  • to be proud of their own culture, language and heritage and to celebrate that of others;
  • to have a positive attitude to their learning and their achievements.
Providing a happy, comfortable, productive and, above all, safe and secure environment for pupils to thrive in is at the forefront of all we do at Hardwick Primary School. The information below is intended to explain some of the ways that we do this.
Designated Safeguarding Lead in school is: Mrs Sandhu (Head of School)
Deputy Safeguarding Leads are: Mrs Yates, Mrs Oliver, Mrs Smith, Mrs Awaan and Mrs Freeman 
Equalities Officer and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children and Post LAC: Mrs Smith
Safeguarding Governor: Mr Repesa
The person who leads on safeguarding pupils is called the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DSL is Mrs Sandhu. If you have any questions or comments about the safeguarding of pupils, then you can contact Mrs Sandhu by phoning school on 01332 272249
or via email: during out of school hours / term time
All staff, governors and volunteers receive regular training covering all aspects of safeguarding pupils, and we have a robust programme of continuing professional development in place.
Being safe within the school grounds and creating a safe environment is a responsibility for all staff, governors and parents. To meet these responsibilities, we have policies in place to help ensure that all staff, pupils and stakeholders have a consistent approach.
A full list of the Policies can be found in the "policies" section of the school's website:
Educational Visits
Visits play an important part in our school to support and extend children’s learning. All children will have the opportunity for at least two visits a year, and for our older children we offer a residential visit in the summer term. 
Our trips and visits are carefully planned to enrich children’s experiences and extend their learning in the classroom. We want all children to take part in these visits and ask you to make a contribution to the overall cost.
If for any reason you are not able to contribute towards the cost of a visit, please contact the head teacher. For children in receipt of the Pupil Premium all visits are free.
Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum
Our staff are friendly, skilled professionals. They have high expectations of all children and ensure that all children are included in the full range of educational opportunities we offer. 
In the Foundation Stage children work in the six areas of learning outlined in the Foundation Stage Curriculum. 
At the age of 5-6 children transfer into Key Stage 1 where children then follow the national curriculum.
At age 7 children transfer to Key Stage 2 and follow the national curriculum until age 11, when they transfer to secondary education.
We place a high value on Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) and focus on developing Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) learning, both of which help our children to become responsible, confident and considerate individuals.
In both Key Stages English and Maths are generally taught as subjects in the morning. Our curriculum is rich in language and we aim to ensure that our children are confident users of English and competent mathematicians.
Children are continuously assessed and our staff plan together to meet the needs of children in their care.
Children learn at different rates and in different styles and our teachers take account of that.
Our staff combine whole-class, group, and individual work to ensure that children’s needs are met.
Behaviour and Discipline
We expect the highest standards of behaviour from our children, parents, governors and all staff. In our school we aim to promote self – discipline and respect. We encourage and reward good behaviour at all times and aim to develop a sense of responsibility and care in all our children through our CARE code. 
At Hardwick Primary School we:
  • Care about each other and our school
  • Always do our best
  • Remember our manners
  • Enjoy learning
We need your support in maintaining our high standards of behaviour, and would like you to help us by teaching your child to understand and follow our school CARE code.
Anti-Bullying Policy
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our children so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.
Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur the incidents are dealt with promptly and effectively.
Work on anti-bullying is carried out through assemblies, in class and during whole school anti-bullying week.
Disability Access
At Hardwick Primary we promote equality of opportunity for disabled people: pupils, staff, parents, carers and other people who use our school or may wish to.
We have a Disability Equality Scheme to show how we will meet these duties. Our Access Plan ensures that all pupils have access to the curriculum and that there are no physical barriers to access for pupils with a wide range of disabilities.
Our Inclusion policy recognises the right of all pupils to a broad and balanced curriculum. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (S.E.N.D) policy reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive.
The special needs of pupils are identified as early as possible, objectives are set and provisions are made to meet their needs.
We firmly believe in developing a strong partnership with parents to enable pupils with special educational needs to progress and achieve at our school. Policies are available for parents to read; please ask at the school office.