Year 4


Welcome to Year 4, where we strive to ensure all children enjoy their learning and feel valued! We aim to teach an exciting curriculum and challenge children to achieve their full potential.

Who’s Who?

Year Coordinator: Mrs Haider

4MH – Mrs Haider

4TH – Miss Zafer

4SH – Teacher

Miss Lewis

Mrs Yar-Khan (HLTA)

Mrs Rzepa (TA)

Mrs Nayana (TA)

Mrs Firdoos (TA)

What we will be Learning this Year 

Autumn 1 – How is food digested?

Open wide – let’s take a look inside! We’re on a voyage of discovery to investigate the busy world inside our bodies….

In this topic, we will be learning all about our digestive system. We will be starting with learning all about our mouth and teeth, before moving onto how our food is digested and eventually becomes our bodily waste! We will be learning all about how to keep this system clean and healthy.

In English, we will be writing character descriptions based on our class text. We will also be writing explanation texts about the digestive system and how it works.

In Maths, we will be becoming more confident with the number system, written calculations and improving our mental maths skills. Throughout the year, we will be focusing on becoming fluent on all the times tables.

Autumn 2 – How did the Roman's affect Britain?

I am warrior! I am strong, brave and powerful. Meet me in battle. Draw your sword, wield your axe and challenge me if you dare! Invade and attack, Romans versus the Celts, the fight is on….In this topic we will be learning all about the Roman Empire, what the Romans did for us and the impact they had on Britain. We will link history to our Art, as we learn about mosaics and create our own!

In English we will be reading stories from other cultures and writing a story. We will also imagine life as a Roman child and write a letter home to describe the day in a life of a Roman child..

In Maths, we will be developing our understanding of number and learning more about multiplication and division as well as learning to use Roman Numerals.


Spring 1 – What's that smell?

Potion: a poison, a mixture, an aromatic brew, a vapour, a liquid or a sticky goo. Welcome to the amazing magical world of potions and their properties….

In this topic, we will be really focussing on our Science skills, learning all about changes of state, including solids, liquids and gases, and carrying out lots of investigations and tests. We will be learning about how potions have been used in history and then using all our learning to design and develop our very own spells and potions!

 In English, we will be writing instructions for our own potion and focus on performance poetry.

 In Maths, we will be developing our understanding of fractions. We will also be looking at time and using information we have collected to draw a variety of graphs.

 Spring 2 –  Who were the Anglo-Saxons? 

Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned.

In this topic, we will be learning all about the Anglo-Saxons. We will be finding out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. We will look at Mythical creatures and create our own designs and sculptures of a mythical beast.

In English we will be reading the story of Beowulf and writing a historical story. We will also write playscripts.

In Maths, we will be learning all about decimals, money, mass and volume.

Summer 1 – How do we hear sounds?

Ssh….What’s that noise? A bash? A crash? A shake, a rattle or a low bass hum? Which do you prefer….. an acoustic singer or a booming brass band? A solitary voice singing sweetly and quietly or a magnificent choir lifting the roof? 

In this topic we will be learning all about instruments, the sounds they make and how sound is produced. We will be carrying out science investigations, learning all about how sound travels.  As well as making a musical instrument, the children will have the opportunity to perform in Year 4’s Got Talent at the end of the topic.

In English, we will be writing a persuasive flyer, followed by poetry based on The Sound Collector by Roger McGough.

In Maths, our focus will be on length, area and geometry.

Summer 2 – How do mountains shape the landscape?

Grab your climbing gear! We’re going high up onto some of the world’s  incredible and most famous mountains….

In this topic, we will be learning all about the world’s most famous mountains and mountain ranges. The children will have a chance to explore the peak of the highest mountains through our fantastic virtual reality headsets, this will give them a truly amazing experience!

In English we will be writing description of a setting.  We will also write a non-chronological text based on mountains.

In Maths, we will focus on position and Roman Numerals.


In Year 4, children will receive homework every Friday. They are expected to return this no later than the following Tuesday. Children will receive English and Maths work based on what they have been working on during that week. Included within this, they will be given spellings and times tables to learn off by heart. They will sometimes be given topic homework to support their learning.

Children will be given homework based on their current stage and what they have been covering in class. Therefore, your child should be able to have a go independently. However, if your child is finding their homework difficult and needs any help with this, please support them where you can.

All children have a reading book. Please listen to your child read their reading book at home at least three times a week and sign their reading diary.  There are many benefits of reading, it: exercises the brain, improves concentration, teaches children about the world they live in, improves vocabulary and language skills, develops imagination, helps develop empathy and children who read achieve better in school!

Learning at Home

As well as homework set by school, there are plenty of opportunities for your children to continue their learning at home.

English: In addition to their reading book, children can be reading…….ANYTHING! Supporting your child by reading with them and discussing what they have read will really help their skills to develop.

Maths: Children should practise calculating with number as much as possible, particularly their times tables. Children should know all their times tables up to 12x12, including divisions, by the end of Year 4. Practising as much as possible can help your child become fast and accurate, which will then help them in several other areas of Maths.  In June, Year 4 pupils will take the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which is a statutory test for Year 4 pupils in England to check their times tables recall.  It consists of 25 questions and pupils will have 6 seconds to answer each question with 3 seconds rest in between each question.