Year 1

Year 1


Welcome to Year 1. We have 2 classes of 30 children. Our aim is to ensure that the children have high quality and engaging experiences that support their learning and development. We encourage our children to be independent thinkers and learners by providing them with opportunities to achieve their goals in a variety of activities. Our timetable is set out so that our children have time to work within groups as well as independently completing challenges.

Who’s Who?

Year Coordinator: Mrs Priestland

1CB - Mrs Priestland

1CM - Miss Khan

Mrs Rowland (HLTA)

Miss Rhodes (TA)

What we will be learning this year?

Autumn 1: Where do I live?

During this topic, we will be learning about where we live and exploring the four countries of the United Kingdom. We will also be naming the continents of the world. We will also be exploring different animals we can keep as pets and learning if they are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. In Design and Technology, we will be making a sock puppet and learning how to sew.

Autumn 2: What memories do you have?

We will be learning about changes over time, family and community. We will be looking at local history, special memories, customs and traditions, and growing up. In English, we are going to be writing about a special person in our lives. In RE, we are going to be learning about Islam.

Spring 1: Who has paws, claws or whiskers?

We will be learning all about different animals and the different places they like to live. To start this topic, we will be visiting a farm and having a go at holding lots of animals. During this topic we will be making a clay bowl and learning about the primary colours.

Spring 2: What makes a hero?

In this topic we will be learning all about our amazing body and using our super senses. We will be exploring the life of Florence Nightingale and why she is a superhero. In PE, we will be playing cricket and netball


Summer 1: Can you fly to space?

During this topic we will learn about different properties of materials and investigating which materials keep us dry. We will be learning about two famous astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. In Design and Technology, we will be designing and then making our own moon buggies. In computing we will be learning how to create a code for a computer programme.

Summer 2: What would you find in the woods?

We will be learning about different plants and deciding if they are garden or wild plants. We will also be exploring maps and symbols on a map to create our own maps of the school grounds. In PSHE, we will be learning about what is bullying and how we can stop it. In Music, we are taking part in a wonderful singing project which ends in a singing concert for our family and friends.

English and Maths

In English, Children will have lots of opportunities to write, read and perform. We allow for lots of Oracy to happen in the classroom through discussion on books we are reading to performing poems and stories to other year groups. We will be reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction books to expand our reading for pleasure. In our writing, we will be retelling stories, writing recounts and creating labels and captions for pictures. During these lessons, we will be focusing on ensuring children are writing on a line, correct letter formation, finger spaces and they are using capital letters and full stops.

In Year 1, phonics is an important part of our daily timetable. We continue to follow Little Wandle and we will also be preparing the children for the Phonics Screening Check which takes place in June. We also follow Little Wandle for our reading sessions your child will bring home a reading book every week to read with you.

In Maths we will be continuing to follow Maths No Problem and will be learning to count to 100 and adding and subtracting numbers to 20. We will also be exploring fractions, measurement, shape and direction. We will also be working on our maths fluency during our daily key skills session.

To find out more about Year 1, have a look at our Parent Workshop (September 2023):

How to help with Learning at Home

We value and encourage parents working alongside their children. Here is how you can help with your child at home:

  • Reading every night with your child, supporting them to sound out words. Please make sure children bring their book bag to school every day and keep it in their tray.
  • Helping your child with their homework. This will be based on what they have been learning in class.
  • Help your child with their writing. Check they can form their letters correctly and they can write they capital letters and lower-case letters correctly.

Websites to help you This is Little Wandle and the parents page helps you understand the phonics programme and offers support on how you can support your child at home. - we use this to help with maths fluency. We use level 1 on daily 10 to help the children learn quick maths.

There are also lots of story websites online so your child can hear stories being read to them.