Keeping our children safe

Our commitment

At Hardwick Primary School, we are committed to keeping our pupils and staff safe and well both physically and mentally. We will do everything we can to ensure our children and our community is safeguarded and protected from harm.

We have well established safeguarding policies and procedures and work in partnership with Derby Children’s Safeguarding Partnership, as well as actively promoting the welfare of our children in the wider community.

All our Safeguarding practice is underpinned by two key government documents: 

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)

Getting Help

Our safeguarding Staff are here to help, if you require support they can be contacted via the school office on telephone: 01332 272249 or by emailing

If you have concerns that a child is being harmed or living in circumstances that might be harmful in the future, these concerns will always be taken seriously.

You may be worried about what might happen to you or your family if you report your concerns. When someone makes a call to talk about their concerns, they will always be asked for their name and contact details – so they can be contacted again if needed. However, you can ask for your details to remain confidential, or provide information anonymous.

If you believe that a child is at immediate risk and in need of protection then you should call the Police – 999, immediately.

Alternatively, if you want advice from the Police and the child is not in immediate need of protection, you can call the Police on the telephone number 101.


Children’s Social Care and the First Contact Team

You may want to discuss your concerns with a Social Care worker. The First Contact team deals with all concerns about Children and Young People across the city. Members of the team will help you to talk about the concerns you may have for a child and decide what actions may be required to make a child safe.

The First Contact Team can be contacted on 01332 641172 between 9am and 5pm. At all other times concerns can be discussed with Careline who can be contacted on 01332 956606

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